Welcome to Cory Lakes Community Development District
Your community resources from your Board of Supervisors.
In Florida, a CDD (Community Development District) is a local, special purpose government authorized as an alternative method for planning, financing, acquiring, operating and maintaining infrastructure in a planned community. CDDs are intended to help solve Florida's need for quality community infrastructure that addresses the demands of a growing population, without overburdening other area governments and tax-payers. CDDs can establish higher construction standards and provide a long term solution to the operation and maintenance of a community's facilities. CDDs are governed by Florida Statute chapter 190.
What's New?
- Florida Friendly Fertilizing
- FY-2024 Budget Presentation
- Fitness Center Agreement
- Pool Facilities Agreement
- Rules for Use of Tennis Courts
- Rules and Regulations
To RSVP to an event or to request more information please contact clievents@corylakescdd.net
CDD Board Meetings
Meeting held at:
Cory Lake Beach Club, 10441 Cory Lake Drive, Tampa, Florida 33647. Meeting also accessible via Zoom, Meeting ID: 390 048 0969, Passcode: 54321 or telephonically at +1-305-224-1968, Meeting ID: 390 048 0969, Passcode: 54321..
Dear Cory Lakes CDD Residents!
The beauty and majesty of nature is all around us, and nowhere is it more prevalent that in beautiful Cory Lakes. As we prepare to enter spring and welcome a more temperate climate, please see the attached literature pertaining to fertilizing tips and techniques from the Southwest Florida Water Management District that will help us all preserve our community lakes, ponds, and waterways while we work to keep our homes and community beautiful!
Thank you,
Your CDD Management Team